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Blockchain In Healthcare: Does It Help Healthcare Companies In Data Storage And Supply Chain Management?

Ever since Facebook's rebranding to Meta and its announcement of future metaverse projects, the novel technology has stolen the limelight.

With a market projection of $800 billion by 2028 (Earth web), t

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Metaverse in the healthcare industry: How to make the most out of it?

The term metaverse was coined decades ago. But it has been gaining significance recently. Many institutes and organizations were alerted only when Mark Zuckerberg launched 'Meta'. And now, extensive res
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Metaverse In Health And Fitness Sector: Is Metaverse Reshaping The Healthcare Sector?

From kids to adults, everybody is looking up to metaverse.


With a market prediction of $800 billion by 2024, the metaverse is undoubtedly leading social interaction to a new level.


Industry expert

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Virtual Reality: Can be Effective in Treating Phobia?

Phobia is a very common mental disorder. It is a type of anxiety disorder, that creates strong and irrational fear about anything or situation. These things or situations may possess little or no dang

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Is Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Helpful in Arthritis?

As age progresses, there are plenty of health diseases affects human bodies. Arthritis is one of them. Arthritis is a joint disease that affects many people. Arthritis is a disease in which one or mor

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Fight with Occupation stress with Virtual Reality

Stress is an emotional response to a circumstance that has nothing to do with the any specific event. When we believe that the demands of a situation are higher than our resources to deal with it, we
