VR Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation - An Overview
Stroke is a primary causes of disability. Stroke survivors should undertake post-stroke rehabilitation to increase mobility and cognitive functions to enhance their overall quality of life.
VR stroke rehabilitation has become the most popular and trending H-tech treatment for stroke patients. This rehabilitation method harnesses the technology of Virtual Reality to monitor patients and improve their receptiveness while performing stroke recovery exercises.
Cognihab's Rehabilitation Suite is the world's first immersive all in one rehabilitation solution co-created with Indian Spinal Cord Injury Center, AIIMS and Lady Harding hospital.
As a technologically advanced company, Cognihab works with leading medical institutes to innovate and deploy new holistic treatments for post stroke rehabilitation.
Stroke Exercises for Rehabilitation
Stroke exercises are an important element in the plan of treatment for stroke patients to improve mobility and muscle coordination. A consistent regime is one of the best tools to aid and hasten recovery in post stroke rehabilitation. This regime involves a combination of physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Patients need to learn again the skills they lost when part of the brain was damaged
Cognihab is a leading, cutting–edge stroke rehabilitation center offering a full range of healthcare solutions to address treatment for stroke patients through innovative and immersive VR stroke rehabilitation techniques.
We offer complete body exercises through Virtual Reality. There are various categories targeting specific body areas to improve motor skills. The set of activities also brain stroke recovery through brain games for stroke rehabilitation.
Stroke exercises administered with the help of expert therapists and powered by the possibilities of VR can hasten the successful recovery for patients.
Different kinds of exercises are prescribed, depending upon which part of the body or ability has been affected. Some of the activities include:

Upper Body Rehabilitation
Virtual Reality games for treatment for stroke patients, targeting upper body movements for faster and long-lasting results

Lower Body Rehabilitation
Virtual Reality games targeting lower body movements and stroke recovery exercises for faster and long lasting results

Body Balance
Virtual Reality games & exercises have been proven to be very effective, powered by real-time feedback for improving body balance.

Daily activities
Virtual Reality games & scenarios for helping patients to better perform daily activities like brushing, wearing clothes etc. The set of exercises also incorporates brain games for stroke rehabilitation.

External activities
Virtual Reality games for helping patients to better perform tasks like throwing, catching etc.

Cognitive Rehabilitation
Virtual Reality based journeys and games for patients with Zero body movements and for brain stroke recovery.
Features and Takeaways
Hospital and Clinic Suite
Proven treatment for patients of all ages
40% faster recover
Focused on training brain to react faster.
1,00,000+ Hrs. of R&D
Guaranteed improvement in 2 months
How is VR Stroke Rehabilitation Process Helpful?
VR healthcare systems are based on the tenets of neuroscience and motor learning. VR is a computer-based technology that allows users to immerse themselves and interact in a multisensory simulated environment. This will enable them to gain real-time feedback on their activities and exercises.
VR interactive and gamified stroke exercises modules expose patients to real-life daily scenarios and activities. VR games treatment for stroke patients allows the task-oriented repetitive practice, with varying levels of difficulty, based upon patient needs. Sometimes, these games have the option of an expert and allow patients to imitate and follow the lead to simulate mirror neurons, which stimulates brain stroke recovery.
For Improving physical function
Physical functions are improved through VR exercises where a patient is advised to interact with virtual objects. Patients can pick, squeeze or move these objects based on their abilities. These repetitive exercises serve as brain games for stroke rehabilitation by triggering the development of new neural pathways that further enhance and build motor skills.
Improving cognitive abilities
VR stroke rehabilitation exercises include sessions with different levels of cognitive load. VR enabled post-stroke rehabilitation, and VR brain stroke recovery focused on improving memory, attention and spatial orientation.
VR healthcare systems and stroke recovery exercises have been proven to be very effective in motor learning, including frequency, intensity, repetition and task-oriented training and empower the patient by allowing them to feel involved in their rehabilitation process.
VR systems can be adjusted and modified to accommodate varying patient needs, difficulty levels and patient goals. VR systems offer personalised treatment for stroke patients and post-stroke that allow patients to practice, train and enhance their motor skills through stroke recovery exercises in an engaging way.
Testimonials of our VR healthcare solutions

Cognihab's Chemo relaxation journeys and post-surgery exercises have really helped my patients. I highly recommend every cancer patient to try it.

I have seen considerable improvement in my patients who tried Cognihab's Vision Therapy Suite for Amblyopia, Strabismus, Accommodation, Vergence, Hand-Eye Coordination, etc.

Easy to use & fun to play games for effectively treating the conditions of patients suffering from Autism & Cerebral Palsy.
Research shows that VR-based therapy in combination with other treatments has improved motor function in stroke patients and offers a highly engaging therapeutic method t patients.
We will not define it as a mandatory procedure. However the results after using it show VR rehabilitation to be promising technology to assist patients recover faster after a stroke.
There are mainly three types of strokes- Transient ischemic attack (TIA), Ischemic stroke or a Haemorrhagic stroke and the treatment will depend on which type of stroke the patient has suffered. The treatment methods usually revolve around:
- Clot-breaking drugs
- Mechanical thrombectomy
- Stents
- Surgery
- Medications
- Coiling & Clamping
Proper Treatment and recovery are essential. You can consult your hospital for references. You can also visit Cognihab at www.cognihab.com to learn more about the VR based physical and cognitive therapies.
The costs will vary depending upon the hospital and the required services.
Strokes can cause severe damage to the motor and cognitive skills. The successful recovery will depend on various factors like:
- The extent of damage caused by the stroke
- How soon recovery started
- How high is patient motivation and willingness to recover?
- Age and medical conditions at the time of stroke.
Rehabilitation aims to enable patients to be independent and have a good quality of life and mastery over their motor and cognitive skills.
VR based therapy for rehabilitation has been studied and seen to be quite effective in engaging patients and motivating them to recover. Patients have shown high engagement with the immersive technology that offers them consistent and repetitive activities, which can be modified to suit patient needs.
Patients with stroke have a better recovery if they receive medical treatment within three hours of suffering the stroke. The first three months are the most crucial for recovery, and it is during this time, patients will see the most improvement. During this time, most patients have entered into rehabilitation programs such as Cognihab’s VR Stroke Rehabilitation suite.